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The group's 2021 half-year work summary conference was successfully held

2021-07-27 Views:0

On the morning of July 24th, the 2021 Semi-annual Work Summary Conference of West International holding was grandly held. Zhang Jimin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of West China Cement, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Fayin, Vice President of West Holding Group, Li Yongji, Zhang Zengtao, Zhu Ying and other leaders presented the meeting. Relevant leaders on business trips and from branches also joined the meeting. More than 300 people attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Peng, executive vice president of the Group.

At the meeting, Wang Fayin, president of the Group, first made the half-annual work summary report of the West International Holding in 2021.The report conducted a systematic review of the production and operation work in the first half of the year, and made arrangements for the key work in the second half of the year. Report points out that in the first half of the WIH against epidemic, we accelerated the implementation of the strategic layout and put it as the main line, vigorously promoted project construction, developed production and management, grasped new forms of business development and distribution in advance, and strengthened basic management, so that steady business development and a great number of major projects’ breakthroughs have been made and company’s strategic layout in Africa has begun to take shape. The report stressed that in the second half of 2021 the group will continue to work around the guiding ideology of "foundation strengthening , risk prevention, and development acceleration" , continue to strengthen the construction of work style, systematically and comprehensively strengthen various basic management work, and do a good job in each business in a meticulous and strict manner. We shall “consolidate the foundation, enhance the advantages, make up for the shortcomings, and strengthen the weak points”, and achieve an important victory in the rapid development of West International Holding.

At the end of the meeting, President Zhang made an important speech. He expressed his gratitude to all the cadres and staffs for sticking to the front line and working hard during the epidemic period. He also affirmed the Group's achievements in production and operation and project construction in the first half of the year and the good momentum of accelerated trend. Chairman Zhang pointed out that since the promotion of the international business strategy for a year and a half, all West International Holding staffs have risen to the challenge and rushed to the front line of production projects, and achieved remarkable results, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of the entire African strategy of WIH. The chairman emphasized that in the second half of the year, we should focus on strengthening work from five aspects. One is to strengthen human resources management, and to work hard from the ideology of cadres’ management to solve the problem of the number and structure of international talents. The second is to make up for the shortcomings by continuously improving all kinds of basic management work. The third is to improve the project construction management. In the second half of the year, the project has heavy tasks and a wide range of work, so it is necessary to further strengthen our ability and improve the management. The fourth is to have breakthrough development in new sectors and new businesses, especially the prefabricated type and logistics business should break through the limitations of thinking, improve the level of planning and accelerate development. Fifth, the group organization and system construction should be further improved to ensure the efficient and effective operation of all business sectors. Finally, the chairman encouraged all cadres to enhance their confidence in internationalization, and strive to improve the quality of the team and business level through continuous learning to adapt to the needs of international development.

At the meeting, Li Yongji, vice president of the group, read out the second half of the year’s target responsibility statement for new established departments and direct management companies.

War drum beating means urgent, and we are not afraid of difficulties. Achievements belong to the past, and the future has a long road to come. In the period full of international strategic opportunities and golden development, in the second half of 2021, we will face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. It is hoped that all the people of West International Holding can strengthen their confidence, be brave, take responsibility, be willing to contribute, dare to share responsibility, unite with sincerity, concentrate their efforts, meet new challenges with full enthusiasm and high fighting spirit, and contribute to the development of the international business of West International Holding! (Group Office, Chen Hongkui)