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Chairman’s Speech

Chairman’s Speech

Based on the existing development advantages of West China Cement, we will focus on the internal needs of the Group's stable, sustainable and healthy development in the future, and create more stable and sustainable value for shareholders. We will seize the historical opportunity of China's One Belt One Road policy, take the market as the guide, form the core cement industry and extend and expand related industrial chains such as prefabricated buildings, glass, logistics and new materials. While gradually establishing the leading position of cement building materials in Africa, we will explore emerging markets in Central Asia, Southeast Asia and other global emerging market countries with international ideas and vision and fully integrating and utilizing global resources to realize the international development strategy of West China Cement.

By 2025, while the global cement production capacity of the company reach 50 million tons, we will extend the industrial chain of prefabricated buildings, aggregates, commercial mixing and new materials, expand real estate development, construction installation and land and sea logistics companies, and timely deploy other diversified industries such as glass, rolled steel, gypsum board and chemical industry. We will strive to promote the enterprise from a single traditional manufacturing enterprise to a ten billion enterprise group integrating industry and finance.

In the future, West International Holding will continue to shoulder social responsibilities bravely in the new era, participate in social welfare undertakings with noble spirit of giving back to the society, reflect life, serve the society, create value, and make unremitting efforts to build a respected international enterprise.