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Group president Wang Fayin went to Dugongo Cimentos, S.A. of Mozambique and other companies for inspection and investigation

2021-06-10 Views:0

In order to fully understand the development status of each company and strengthen group management and control, in late May, Group President Wang Fayin went to  Dugongo Cimentos, S.A. of Mozambique and other companies to conduct inspections and investigations, respectively, on plant construction, equipment operation, mining, project promotion, and employee work status. In-depth research and symposium held. Qu Shuanhu, Director of Office Department, and Wang Ligong, Head of the Administration Department, accompanied the investigation.


From May 24th to June 7th, President Wang Fayin and his entourage went to Dugongo Cimentos, S.A. of Mozambique and other companies for inspection and research. The president and his entourage went to various functional departments and production workshops to check the factory construction and mining projects on the spot, understand the operation of major equipment and have a discussion with front-line employees, attended the opening ceremony of the manatee company and made an important speech, held symposium and analysis meeting, etc., to fully grasp the company's production and operation dynamic process, and give instructions on existing problems. President Wang Fayin affirmed the achievements of the subsidiaries in business expansion and other aspects, and gave instructions on the relevant development and construction work.

At the symposium, President Wang Fayin emphasized the daily operation work, requiring all companies to earnestly understand the guiding ideology of "Strengthening the Foundation, Preventing Risks, and Accelerating Development" proposed by Chairman Zhang and objectively analyze and reflect on the causes of the existing problems, to change their thinking and open their minds, to stimulate innovation and create a high-spirited working atmosphere, to increase the punishment and cost of violating various rules and regulations, and to enhance the authority of the system and the seriousness of management. All functional departments must give full play to their functions and fully support the company's work. It is necessary to strengthen the solidarity and mutual trust between Chinese and foreign employees of the company, respect and help each other in work and life, and enhance cohesion and sense of identity. He hoped that the subsidiaries of the group will attach great importance to the group's strategic deployment in Africa, and implement the company's basic management work in accordance with the group's requirements. We must do every job conscientiously, reverse the situation that the work is not solid and the implementation is not in place, and make contributions to the development of individuals, employees and enterprises within our ability. 

President Wang's inspection and investigation inspired the enthusiasm of cadres and employees of various subsidiaries, and laid a solid foundation for exchanges and learning among the whole group companies. At the moment when the group is fully carrying out work style construction activities, all subsidiaries will deeply sum up experience and lessons, fully promote the project construction and the company's rapid and high-quality development, and work hard to achieve the group's strategic goals in Africa. (Zhao Li/Zhang Yicong)